These are a list of references that can be helpful in animal investigations for attorneys, investigators and veterinarians.
- Veterinary Forensics: Animal Cruelty Investigations, 2nd edition
- Animal Maltreatment: Forensic Mental Health Issues and Evaluations
- Violence in Animal Cruelty Offenders
- Veterinary Forensic Pathology, Volume 1 and 2
- When Violence Begins at Home
- Practical Guidance for the Effective Response by Veterinarians to Suspected Animal Cruelty, Abuse and Neglect (PDF)
- Animal Abuse and Unlawful Killing
- Wildlife Forensic Investigation: Principles and Practice

Melinda D. Merck, D.V.M.
Veterinary Forensics Consulting, LLC
Dr. Melinda Merck is a forensic veterinarian consulting on cases involving animals. Dr. Merck assists investigators of animal cruelty with crime scene investigation as well as the examination of live and deceased victims. She helps with large scale operations including exhumations of burial sites and examination of skeletal animal remains. She frequently testifies as a veterinary forensic expert for animal cruelty cases around the country including cases involving animal fighting, neglect and trauma.